Cookbook author and baking authority Flo Braker created this recipe exclusively for Epicurious. The basic recipe is moist and full of pure banana flavor,...
This is hands down the easiest way to always have delicious chicken cutlets at the ready to feed your family at a moment's notice-no messy dredging or...
You'll need seafood seasoning and your biggest pot for this Low-Country Boil (also called Frogmore Stew) brimming with shrimp, sweet corn, sausage, and...
If you want a knockout ending to your July 4th feast, look no further. This three-layer red-and white-striped tall cake with its tumble of blue and red...
This perennial favorite has just the right mix of hearty sausage, vibrant spinach, and a perfectly balanced three-cheese blend. With a quick-cooking sauce...
This may be the most sought-after cookie recipe in the book, the cookie that makes it into Seattle Metropolitan magazine's food lover's guide year after...
The Zuni roast chicken depends on three things, beginning with the small size of the bird. Don't substitute a jumbo roaster-it will be too lean and won't...
The secret to a great pizza Margherita is to use the best ingredients you can find-and to approach them with restraint. (Just because a little cheese is...
For birthdays, dinner parties, and celebrations, ditch the boxed mix and add this recipe to your repertoire. An egg yolk-only batter gives the cake a sturdier...
These yummy vegan cookies are free of butter, added sugar, and even eggs-the peanut butter and applesauce hold them together. But trust me when I say you...